Language, Association & Model Re-Representation

Heute kam noch ein weiteres Paper zur Präsentation. Dank Satys Anwesenheit, gibt es auch eine Foto (für alle, die schon immer gerne Geisterbahn fuhren).

Language, Association, and Model Re-Representation
How Features of Language and Human Association Can Be Utilized for Automated Knowledge Assessment

AERA 2008, TICL 4, Language, Association, and Model Re-Representation

Wittgenstein (1922) made the remarkable statement in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus that we picture fact to ourselves. It is a long way from the theory of mental models and the philosophy of language to the language-oriented assessment tools that we are able to present. Yet the very basic principles of association seem to convey their influence throughout the expressive possibilities of human language communication: What is closely related will be closely represented. Different technologies based on theories of mental models, association, and the philosophy of language were introduced and discussed in this paper. While MITOCAR is a validated tool which was initially developed to gain access to the expertise of groups, T-MITOCAR develops the access to the properties of language even further so that it can be used to elicit individual knowledge directly from written text.

GB”>Link Pirnay-Dummer, P. & Spector, J.M. (2008). Language, Association, and Model Re-Representation. How Features of Language and Human Association can be Utilized for Automated Knowledge Assessment, Paper presented to the AERA 2008, TICL SIG

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Datum: Mittwoch, 26. März 2008 21:52
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